
Facebook vylepšuje videochat v aplikácii Messenger, do ktorej pridáva hneď niekoľko noviniek, vrátane rôznych filtrov, reakcií a možnosti ukladať screenshoty.

Facebook Messenger vám po novom pri volaní umožní pridávať do videa reakcie. Ide o animácie s podobným významom ako tie, ktoré nájdete na webe. K dispozícii je päť reakcií – srdce, smajlík, prekvapená, plačúca a nahnevaná tvár. Od bežných reakcií Facebooku sa však odlišujú tým, že sú animované a sú pridané priamo na tvár volajúceho používateľa.

Today, we’re excited to roll out some new features for your one-on-one and group video chats on Messenger – like animated reactions, filters, masks and effects, plus the ability to take screenshots. You can now share how you’re feeling with a reaction, add a filter to look and feel your best, make someone laugh while wearing a bear mask, and even save photos from your video chats. To start a video chat, simply tap the video icon in the top right corner of the screen in a one-on-one or group conversation on Messenger. From there, you can start adding some expressive flair to your video chats with the new features! Add a video reaction during your video chats to allow you to amplify your emotions and express love, laughter, surprise, sadness or anger. The reactions will animate on the screen and then disappear, so you can express yourself in the moment, during the video chat. Video filters allow you to look and feel your best while video chatting on Messenger! You can choose from a variety of filters, from subtle lighting tweaks to bold color changes, like black and white or red. You can preview what the filter looks like before letting other people in the video chat see you. Try on new, fun masks during your video chats on Messenger. Some masks even have hidden effects. We also have added animated effects to your video chats, like falling hearts and twinkly stars. Masks and effects stay on the screen for the duration of the video chat (or until you take them off or switch to another one). Easily save and send photos from your video chats to remember the conversation afterwards. During a video chat, simply tap the camera icon to take a photo screenshot. The photo will save to your phone’s camera roll and from there, you can decide if you want to share to your Day on Messenger, or post on other social media accounts. Or, send it to the people you're chatting with. As always, we hope you enjoy these new, delightful video chat features on Messenger!

Zveřejnil(a) Messenger dne 26. červen 2017

Volajúci budú tiež môcť pridávať filtre podobné tým, ktoré nájdeme na Instagrame alebo Snapchate. Tie boli v Messengeri prítomné už nejaký čas, až teraz ich však budete môcť použiť aj priamo vo videochate. Poslednou novinkou je potom možnosť vytvárať screenshoty počas hovoru. Na tento účel vyčlenil Facebook vlastné tlačidlo. Vďaka nemu môžu účastníci hovoru vytvárať screenshoty obrazovky bez rušivého prostredia Messengeru.

Nové funkcie by mali byť sprístupnené postupne v priebehu dnešného dňa.

Verzia: Rôzne
Aktuálna cena: Zdarma
Verzia: Rôzne
Aktuálna cena: Zdarma



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